Learn to Make Your Own Outdoor Gear!
Handmade, commercial quality gear from beginner friendly instructions.
Share in the “I can’t believe I made that” experience. Start making your own outdoor gear the stress-free way, from your first stitch to professional maker.
New Dec 2024: TRAIL 15 Running Backpack
Get ready to tackle tough terrain with our trail-tested running backpack sewing pattern, designed to keep you moving comfortably all day long. Vest straps, multiple pockets and hydration compatible.

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(Prickly Gorse)
Procrastination from my PhD thesis led to buying a cheap vintage sewing machine to sew a custom bike frame bag for future adventures. This grew into a few years of selling custom bikepacking and backpacking gear as Prickly Gorse. But I missed teaching at uni and seeing what others can achieve when given new knowledge, so I’ve decided to share my outdoor gear designs and skills learnt. MYOG Tutorials is the new home for Prickly Gorse Sewing guides, and much more, to help you get started making your own custom outdoor gear!